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مختصر تاريخ العالم pdf

Tells this book is the story of world history in the form of a narrative simplified , targeting specifically the reader small - in the exit intended for series line world of knowledge in order to address the collective mind of the
emerging Arab - where baptizing Author style thrill in the presentation of information and the use of pidgin and smooth up to the reader neophyte and keep him interested in substance book.Begins with the author with the beginning of life Qasa story from beginning , stressing that it does not actually the first to this story , each beginning of the beginning of the other older ones, this sense teaser begins with the author of the narrative forms of life gone by different , of dinosaurs and other passing patterns of human disparate , then starts Author to tell the story of human civilization , from the ancient Egyptians and passing Balsomarien , Babylonians, Assyrians , and then all the civilizations that coincided with these civilizations or followed in the form of a tutorial interesting .

الكتاب : مختصر تاريخ العالم 
تأليف :إي اتش غومبر يتش
ترجمة : د. ابتهال الخطيب

سلسلة : عالم المعرفة 
الناشر : المجلس الوطني للثقافة والفنون والآداب - الكويت
عدد الصفحات : 346
الحجم : 10 م.ب.
معاينة الكتاب: Archive

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